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The Full Story

Throughout my life, I have always had the passion to design. From clothing to logos to posters and magazines, everything I do and know is design. I showed artistic talent at an early age in elementary, well ahead of the rest of the class and took as many standard and advanced classes as possible. Soon after High school, I decided to put my talent to use outside of school with my business founded August of 2018, Namari Design. The idea of Namari Design originally came to me back in 2013, as an assignment to create a fake business and logo. The assignment came and passed, along with the idea of Namari Design. Little did I know, 5 years later, I would accidentally come up with the same business name, not realizing I had done so 5 years before. I took it as a sign and then Namari Design was founded.

About: Bio

(302) 259-4514

©2020 by Nathan Smith. Proudly created with

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